I finished copying over all of my Babble posts into this blog. (Well, everything except the slideshows--those you'll have to read over there if you want to track them down.) I was tired of all that writing being buried and not searchable, and it's frustrating that most of the pictures were lost or that some of the posts were jumbled into other people's work. The dates are gone, and the comments have been wiped out, which is a shame because there were some really interesting and entertaining discussions there. It's disconcerting to have a heartfelt record of a stretch of your life mishandled in that way. I feel better having copies of it all here.
I did a lot of writing at Babble! More than I realized. As of this date I am still about half a dozen posts shy on this blog of the total amount of posts I did for Holding Down the Fort, so I've doubled my archive.
It's been a tedious process doing that much cutting and pasting, and finding old photos again (any posts where the photos were merely nice but not necessary I just left photo-less), but it feels good to finally have all of it where people can read it. There are many times I haven't bothered to write about certain topics here because I felt I'd already said what I wanted to say in an earlier post on Babble, but if nobody can find it it's the blogging equivalent of "If a tree falls in the forest..."
It's put my head in a strange place, reliving all that time during deployment again. The same way you eventually forget the true toll of sleepless nights with a new baby, the deployment stress has faded to something I recall but don't usually feel. It's good to remember and then appreciate where we are now. It's amazing to go back to the earliest posts and see just how young my kids were, and see in what ways they've changed and in what ways they never do.
So here are some links to Babble posts (as transferred to this archive) I particularly like that maybe you haven't seen, or that may still be of interest. I have yet to address any of links in them (I suspect most will take you to a picture of Micky Mouse saying "oops") and if there are any weird mistakes I missed while up late doing my copy and paste thing please feel free to let me know. (Think of this as a rainy day list for the times I am lax about posting often enough! Just come here and pick an old post or two.)
My original two Babble essays before I started my blog were about
Ian being gone, and about
adjusting to Ian coming home again.
I think my funniest post remains
The Ultimate Game. But
Styrofoam, how I hate thee, let me count the ways.... still makes me laugh, too. The world's most hilarious/awful Christmas card was made in
Mommy's Sweatshop.
Posts that people contacted me about years later still wanting to reference them were: