rare exceptions, I am not a timely blogger. There have been occasions where I've reacted quickly to a current event or topic but I've usually
regretted it. I'd rather think something through before committing myself to a "side." I've been offered jobs to blog for sites that cover hot topics, but I can't. Writing is a sideline for me at best, and I can't drop the things I'm supposed to be doing to quickly dash off a post during the small window when people want an opinion on the outrage of the moment. Besides, I'm not interested in fueling any fires. I'd rather find ways to put them out if possible.
So here are my thoughts on
a local story that briefly went national many weeks ago, now that nobody remembers or cares.
Because gender issues interest me, I do have an opinion unlike any of the ones I heard at the time, and I do find myself still thinking about it.
The elementary school a few blocks from our house had something called Switch It Up Day during their version of a spirit week. Lots of schools have special dress up days.
My kids' school did an 80s day at one point, and I think a backwards day. The thing I remember most from those kinds of dress up days when I was in high school was that at the end of the week we were supposed to be decked out in the school colors, but Ferndale High's colors were brown and white and that was just boring.
Anyway, the nearby school was getting reactions from all over the country about what was being called "Gender Bender Day" on the news. The girls could dress as boys and the boys could dress as girls. Nobody had to do anything, of course, it was supposed to be voluntary and fun, but apparently one parent got bent out of shape over it, and suddenly everyone had an opinion on whether or not this was harmless or something to do with the decay of society and gender norms.
I wouldn't lodge a formal protest if I were a parent of someone at that school, because that's not the hill I want to die on, but I do object to the idea of Switch It Up Day. And probably not for the reasons others might.